"My landscape pictures symbolize the theme of reunification, and I believe that painting is a medium that is able to demonstrate the authenticity and symbolism of art as a powerful tool of change. All engagement with Korea has a political dimension - in other words, pictures that refer to Korea are politically charged."
대한민국 온양 출생인 윤종숙은 1995년에 유럽으로 이주하여 뒤셀도르프와 뮌스터의 쿤스트아카데미에서 공부했다. 그녀의 작품은 시간성, 유형성, 기억, 생물학적 경험을 담고 있으며, 다양한 색채의 세계를 폭넓게 보여준다. 작가는 자연에서 영감을 얻은 추상표현 주의의 그림, ‘마음의 풍경’을 묘사한다. 이는 색채와 형태, 작품의 표면과 작가의 행위가 중첩되어 시적 서술로 결합된 내면의 풍경이다.


Selected solo exhibitions: 

Kumgangsan, wall painting, mumok - Museum moderner Kunst Stiftung Ludwig Wien, Vienna, Austria (2024)

October Sky, House of Art of České Budějovice, Ceske Budejovice, Czech Republic (2023) 

Kestner Gesellschaft, Hanover (2021) 

Nordiska Akvarellmuseet, Skärhamn (2020)

Wall Paintings, Art Sonje Center, Seoul (2018)

Museum Kurhaus Kleve (2017)


Selected group exhibitions 

River of Rebirth, Z33 House for Contemporary Art, Design & Architecture, Hasselt, Belgium (2023)

Semi Art Community Project: Boo Gie Woo Gie Art Museum, Ulsan Art Museum, Ulsan, Republic of Korea (2023)

EARTH - A Collective Landscape, AkzoNobel Art Foundation, Amsterdam, The Netherlands (2023)

Polke und die Folgen, Akademie-Galerie, Düsseldorf (2019)

Irony and Idealism, Kunsthalle Münster (2018)

Das Glück der Erde, Sprengel Museum Hannover, Hanover (2017)



AkzoNobel Art Foundation, Amsterdam

Coppel Collection, Mexico

SYZYGY Collection of JoAnn Gonzalez Hickey, New York City

Museum Kunstpalast, Düsseldorf

Jorge M. and Darlene Pérez Collection, Miami

Zabludowicz Collection, London

Sprengel Museum, Hannover 

Kestner Gesellschaft, Hannover.
