마크 생부쉬는 건축, 비디오 게임, 안티크, 포크송(Folk song: 1970년을 전후한 시기에 미국의 모던포크의 영향을 받아 형성된 대중가요), 팝 문화 등 다양한 분야에서 영감을 얻는다. 어린 시절의 나무 블록, 아타리, 닌텐도 게임 등을 통해 얻은 사적인 경험은 그의 예술적인 여정에 영향을 주었다. 20 년간 화가로 활동한 후, 아부다비와 일본을 방문하며 영감을 얻은 새로운 방법론을 바탕으로 평면 회화에서 착안된 모형들을 결합하여 조각 작품을 만들기 시작한다. 작가는 80년대의 어두운 색조부터 90년대의 선명한 색조까지 다양한 색상을 탐구하며 기억, 인식, 현실과의 상호작용을 고찰한다.


Cranbrook Academy of Art (Painting Dept.), Bloomfield Hills, MI - MFA 2008
College for Creative Studies, Detroit, MI, - BFA 2002
Central St. Martin's School of Art, London, England - Fall 2001

Vermont Studio Center Residency, (8 weeks) Feb. - Apr.  2011
Byrdcliffe Arts Colony Residency, Woodstock, NY (June 2019, June 2021)


Milton and Sally Avery Foundation Fellowship to Byrdcliffe Arts Colony 2021

"2021 Artists to Watch" list, Ortega Y Gassett Projects, Brooklyn, NY 

Intersect Palm Springs, Solo Booth presentation with Elijah Wheat Showroom, 

Palm Springs, CA, Feb. 9-13, 2022

The Armory Show 2015, David Klein Gallery, Pier 92, NYC, NY

The Armory Show 2016, David Klein Gallery, Pier 92, NYC, NY

SOLO and 2 or 3 person Exhibitions

2021     "70 Raindrops" Best Western gallery, Brooklyn, NY

2019     "Stranger in a Strange Land" with Bianca Kann at Mothership Gallery, Woodstock, NY

             "Ride a Cow to Find a Horse" Beverly's, LES, NYC

2018     "The Star Spirit of Songs and Letters" (Installation) Alumni and Faculty Hall, 

                     College for Creative Studies, Detroit, MI

             "Hawtin & Sengbusch" David Klein Gallery (Birmingham, MI location)

2017     "Lovers Medley" (Vinyl Wall installation) Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, 

                     Brooklyn Infusion Center, Brooklyn, NYC

2016     "Lovers Medley" (Vinyl Wall installation) MKG Gallery, SOHO, NYC

2015     "Economy of Form" David Klein Gallery, Detroit, MI

2014     "Full Circle" 101up. 2003-2014. Center Galleries, Detroit, MI

             "Synchronized" City Ice Arts, Kansas City, MO

2012     "The Comb Series" Storefront Bushwick, Brooklyn, NY

             "Inside Space" Grizzly Grizzly, Philadelphia, PA

             "Into Abstraction" Hyde Gallery, Grossmont College, San Diego, CA

2010     "Monitor Landscapes" Lemberg Gallery, Detroit, MI

Selected Group Exhibitions

2022      "Sunsets" Onderdonk gallery, Bushwick, Brooklyn

"Any Way I see It" curated by Steve Mykietyn, Paier College, Bridgeport, NY

"The Patriot" O'Flaherty's, NY, NY

"Party for One" My Pet Ram, NY, NY

"Salon Redux" David Klein Gallery, Detroit MI

2021       "NEW WORK / NEW YEAR" David Klein Gallery, Detroit, MI 

               "Dreamscapes" Brooklyn Commons, Curated by Tom Kotik, Brooklyn, NY

               "Viewpoints 2021" Curated by Eleana Anagnos, Studio Montclair, Montclair, NJ

               "Clearing the Air" Curated by Jay Davis, South Hampton Arts Center, NY

               "Jonald Dudd" Curated by Chris Held and Lydia Cambron, NY, NY

               "Reasons" curated by Josh Campbell, NYC Culture Club at the Oculus, NY, NY

2020       "Uniforms for the end of Time" Curated by Nicholas Cueva, Ideal Glass Studios, NY, NY

               "CAA show" Detroit Artists Market, Detroit, MI 

               "Utopian Living" Kleinert/James Center for the Arts, Woodstock, NY 

2019      "Re:View" Valade Gallery, College for Creative Studies, Detroit, MI

              "Sheikh Shack" Grand Marjlis Mercure, Abu Dhabi, UAE
              "Jonald Dudd" curated by Chris Held and Lydia Cambron, Murray Hill, NYC

2018      "Future Rings" Installation at Elsewhere, Bushwick, Brooklyn, NYC

              "Print Show" Kingsland Printing, Greenpoint, Brooklyn, NYC

2017     "Dead Drop" Honey Ramka, Bushwick, Brooklyn, NYC

             "Drone of Perseus" HILDE, Los Angeles, CA

             "Abstract Wall Paintings III" Transmitter, Bushwick, Brooklyn, NYC

             "Graspables" Payfauxn gallery, Bed Stuy, Brooklyn. NYC

2016    "Impossible Possible" Curated by Jay Davis, Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, Brooklyn Infusion Center

            "The Black and White Project" Transmitter, Bushwick, Brooklyn, NYC

            "First Summer" David Klein Gallery, Detroit, MI

            "Summer Show" Regina Rex, LES, NYC

            "Geo Necro" ADA gallery, Richmond, VA

            "Super Sketchy" (Curated by Alley Oop Projects) DCTV, NYC 

            "Befana's Secret Booty" Orgy Park, Bushwick, Brooklyn, NY

2015    "Warped Tour" Set Cards, Lemon City Studios, Miami, Florida

"First Show" David Klein Gallery, Detroit, MI

"Space Available" 1329 Willoughby, Brooklyn, NY

             "How bout now" Temporary Storage, Curated by Dan Kopp, Brooklyn, NY

"The Wager Show" Essex Flowers, LES, NY, NY

2014     "Agree to Disagree" David Klein Gallery, Birmingham, MI 

             "Salon 1" (harbor), Chinatown, NYC, NY

             "Legend Anew" Centotto, Bushwick, NYC, NY

             "Blood, Butter and Bone" Active Space, curated by Matt Miller, Brooklyn, NY

             "Crossing Lines" &Model gallery, Curated by Pat Morrissey, Leeds, England   

             "Shrink it, Pink it" Curated by Irena Jurek, Cathouse FUNeral, Brooklyn, NY

2013     "Pot Luck Show" Curated by Talia Shulze, 187 Jefferson, Brooklyn, NY

             "Rituals of Exhibition II" H Gallery, Chiang Mai, Thailand

             "Boom and Bloom" The Phatory, NY, NY

             "Re:View" Valade Gallery, Detroit, MI

             "25 Artists" Suite 217, Brooklyn, NY

             "Rituals of Exhibition" Don't be Selfish Gallery, Phayao, Thailand

2012     "Greasy Pink" French Neon Project, Curated by Donald Cameron, NY, NY

             "The Color Grey" A French Neon Project, Gallery Homeland, Houston, TX

             "The Color Grey" A French Neon Project, Gallery Homeland, Portland, OR

             "Intersections" (public installation at the Barclays Center),                                      ArtBridge, Curated by Jordana Zeldin, Brooklyn, NY

             "Black Foliage" Nudashank Gallery, Baltimore, MD

             "Black Foliage" Curated by Matthew Craven, 48 Bowery, LES, NYC

             "Grid List" Allegra LaViola Gallery, New York City, NY

2011     "REMIX" Lemberg Gallery, Detroit, MI

             "Actual Size Biennial" Contemporary Art Institute of Detroit, Detroit, MI   

             "Painting: Coast to Coast" Elaine L. Jacob Gallery, WSU, Detroit, MI

2010     "Meat Locker" Good Children Gallery, New Orleans, LA
            "Selections from the Gallery" Walter Randel Gallery, New York, NY
"Winter Kunstkammer: Part 1 & 2" Walter Randel Gallery, New York, NY
              "Nameless, Shameless and Recycled" Pop Gallery, Los Angeles, CA
              "ReView: Alumni Selections by Syd Mead" Center Galleries, CCS, Detroit, MI