헤르만 니치는 오스트리아의 전위 예술가로 자연, 인간의 본성, 죽음과 부활, 신비주의 등에 대한 깊은 사색을 담아냈다. 니치는 회화와 공연예술을 융합하여 우리의 내면세계를 탐구하고 인간의 본질에 대한 질문을 제기하고자 했다. 작곡가 리하르트 바그너(Richard Wagner)의 음악에 영감을 받은 헤르만 니치는 2021년 독일 바이로이트 페스티벌에서 바그너의 "발퀴레"에 맞춰 대규모의 행위예술을 선보였다. 이 공연에서 작가는 악장별로 최대 1000 리터의 물감을 사용하여 바그너의 선율이 니치의 명암과 색상 속으로 녹아드는 과정을 표현했다.

Hermann Nitsch (29th August 1938 Wien - 18th April 2022 Mistelbach) is one of the most famous international artists of the second half of the XX century. He is an exponent of the Wiener Aktionismus with Günter Brus, Otto Mühl and Rudolf Schwarzkogler that around the 60s become the major expression of the European Body Art movement.

Between 1957 and 1960 Nitsch developed the project for his Orgies Mysteries Theater, an expression of total art (Gesamtkunstwerk) related to the psycho-analytical concept of abreaction, an emotional motion that allows a subject to remove the effects of dramatic events. By allowing the cathartic liberation from religious, moralistic and sexual taboos, Nitsch proposes the enactment of ancestral rituals and ceremonies.
At that time Nitsch - graduated at the Experimental Graphic Institute of Vienna - joined as a painter the tachiste movement that was based on the interpretation of the informal culture exalting the gesture through which the dripping colour is directly thrown on canvas.
From 1961 on, his actions, where a lamb is tore and its blood used as bleeding painting, became more regular and more articulated. Since 1962, men also got involved in his performances.